Have you been refused a Schengen Visa? Are you worried about reapplying?

As a UK resident, you can apply for a French Schengen visa, which will allow you to travel to France and other Schengen countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

A UK resident is anyone with a Biometric Residence Permits (BRP) card, UK Residence Permit or Channel Island stamp in their passport.

You can also apply for Long Stay applications for British Passport holders.

Most common reasons for refusal

The most common reasons for refusal from TLS and the French Consulate include:

  • Your documents were incomplete

    You did not provide all the required documents on the consulates checklist.

  • Your documents were deemed unreliable.

    Your travel ticket could not be verified.
    Most travel tickets can be checked online using a booking reference and surname of the applicant.

    Your Hotel booking could not be verified.
    Most hotel booking like Booking.com can be checked using booking references and pin numbers or the applicant’s surname.

    Your Travel Insurance was not verifiable.
    The Consulates will check on insurance documentation.

    If any of the above were not able to be verified, then the Consulate will more than likely refuse your application quoting the following.

    “The information submitted regarding the justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable”, or “not provided”

    We would urge you not to provide reservations or ‘Dummy Tickets’. We always insist on confirmed bookings which must be valid for the duration of the application process.

  • Damaged Passport

    Your passport may have been deemed as having too much damage for the consulate to risk processing your application further. This would usually be picked up by the visa centre you apply through though.

    Some common types of damage:

    • Damage to the main photo page of the passport such as tearing of the page, or in some cases, lifting of the lamination.
    • Damage to the binding of the passport, this is where the pages attach to the main cover, usually with what looks like very thin fine string.
    • Water damage to the passport, this can depend on the level of damage. The consulate or visa centre will decide if the damage is too severe.

    If any of the above were not able to be verified, then the Consulate will more than likely refuse your application quoting the following.

    “The information submitted regarding the justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable”, or “not provided”

    We would urge you not to provide reservations or ‘Dummy Tickets’. We always insist on confirmed bookings which must be valid for the duration of the application process.

  • Applying in the wrong category
    Selecting the right category when you book your appointment is vital. If you choose the wrong category of visa, you may be refused when you are checking in at TLS Contact for your appointment.

  • Filling in information wrong on TLS when booking your appointment

    The following information is from the TLS Contact website.

    “Following a technical development, the data relating to the passport and reference number, first name, surname, date of birth, telephone number, nationality and visa type will no longer be modifiable at the Visa Application Centre”

    This means TLS Contact are not able to change or edit any of the above information that you have filled in when booking your appointment. This also means that if you have filled in information incorrectly, you will very likely be refused entry to complete your application. So, make sure all your information is correct to avoid this.

Important Considerations

The most common reasons for refusal from TLS and the French Consulate include:

  • Apply in advance

    It’s recommended to apply at least 15 working days before your trip.

  • Provide accurate information

    False or misleading information can lead to visa refusal.

Need a little hand? Been refused or rejected before? Then contact Nexus for help!

Fill in our Request an Appt France Form here to start the process or call 020 3598 7413 to discuss your options!

We look forward to hearing from you.

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